
Looking for the ideal roommate

Search engines there are them for everyone and for everything. And now that the new university year is about to begin, it is time to consider looking for student flat . Hitting both the floor and the teammates can be complicated so the people at Stukers have set out to make this task as easy as possible and get it right from minute one. Stukers is a platform to find a flat but also to locate the one that could be the ideal roommate. Starting the search for the city in which we want to live, the platform shows an important catalog of candidates. Among them, all the search options can be filtered based on the dates on which they will be in the apartment, the age , the sex and even the price they want to pay for the room. The only but is that no matter how much information we see about our future roommate, and although a first impression can always give us some clues, nothing guarantees that he will not leave the pot of macaroni with the dried tomato in the sink or that he will not. contribute to cleaning the house or make your way of being fit with ours. That, as always, will continue to be a surprise that only clears up with coexistence . Initially thought of as final degree project , Stukers can be the solution for many students who must change residence at the beginning of the new course.



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