
In a previous post we talked about how important the description of an App is when it comes to positioning it among the first in the searches that we all do in the different markets. However, not by describing much you get to be the best. The theory tells us that there are more aspects to take into account so that an App is always well positioned and obtains a greater number of downloads . Commonly known as ASO , the study of market behavior to achieve better positions in search lists, is a technique that has long been of the utmost importance; more so when it has been verified that the vast majority of Apps go unnoticed by the general public . ASO is to Apps what SEO is to Webs. If you want to know more, click here , in this post we will tell you more about these techniques. Applying them wisely can be the difference between being among the first or falling into the greatest ostracism. As we have said in another post, the description of an App has to be careful. The specifications of each market must be taken into account as the Google Play criteria are not the same as those of the Apple Store . However, and still being the main point of attraction for many users, other add-ons are required for an App and its positioning to be really effective and to achieve the greatest number of downloads possible. Therefore, accompany your App with a good landing page ; attractive and optimized to get downloads. A landing with very clear information, very well structured and with accurate calls to action will help you convince the undecided and will complement the information of the markets. To know for sure if a landing is well designed enough, there is nothing like doing testst A/B among your friends and family. Show them different combinations of App Name + Icon + Descriptions and stick with the one that is most visually appealing. With their feedback , you are sure to get a page that attracts many more downloads. Once the App is launched, the most important thing is to generate visibility . Contacting specialized media, of the sector, so that they echo the news can be a good start and from there nothing like advertising , either free based on recommendations from friends, family and, who knows, specialists and great recommenders, as well as the paid one; although this costs a lot more to program. And to serve as a summary, here is a fantastic infographic where he explains everything that needs to be done to get an App to rank at the top: Infografía Promoción App



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