King of App

11 lessons to learn from big app failures

Having a big brand behind you is not synonymous with achieving success. Companies like Google, Apple and Facebook are aware of this, since they all have created applications that promised great things, but ended up becoming very sound failures that caused them some losses and the discontent of many of their users.

Below we expose some of the biggest failures committed by some of these great brands so that, you don't make the same mistakes and improve your company's productivity through your app:


Now, the system is becoming the next virtual Google assistant to compete with Amazon's Alexa or Microsoft's Cortana. But the beginnings of Allo come from the company's continued failure in the space dedicated to instant messaging. Google Talk was the first bet that didn't work and ended up turning into Hangouts, to then become Allo. Now, Google is finishing up with the latest fixes to see how the smart system is working within the Google Home system.

Facebook Stories

It is one of the latest initiatives of Facebook, who has always wanted to get the shin left by Snapchat. Zuckerberg, wanted to buy the instant messaging network; But he did not succeed so he decided to create his own system of ephemeral messages and so far, he has not had the expected results. However, Zuckerberg has not had time to get depressed, since Instagram is part of Facebook, if it is doing well with its Instagram Stories.

I came

Vine was acquired by Twitter in 2012 and was running until 2016. At the time, it was a big boom among the teen community, but little by little, with the arrival of other competitors and the eternal YouTube or the power of Instagram, the network of the short videos ended up failing.

Amazon Rapids

In its need to be everywhere, Amazon created this application that motivated children to leave books to read online. The books were children's books, however, the idea did not please parents who strongly criticized Amazon for wanting to keep children away from traditional reading.

Apple Maps

Apple wanting to compete with the all-powerful Google, launched in 2012 a move that turned out to be a big mistake. For the same year, the company introduced its new iOS6 that sought to end Android. Apple chose to remove all traces of its competition from its virtual stores and copy Google Maps but in the saddest and unoriginal way. The system turned out to be a disaster and it was not effective at all. Finally, Apple had to apologize to its users and return Google Maps to the virtual stores.

Facebook Poke

It came to be number 1 of the most downloaded applications in the AppStore back in 2015. This app similar to Snapchat could send content of all types that was destroyed within seconds of being opened.

The users found no utility in this application linked to Facebook, a social network that precisely what is good is to keep the timeline of people as a souvenir and not destroy them, so that Poke was eliminated by its creators without pain or glory.

Google Wave

The Mountain View Company has known failures in its history. From the outset he has never quite succeeded in building a social network at the height of Facebook. The first attempt was Google Wave, but it was so complicated compared to the rest that never got to take off.

Like Google Buzz, which later turned into Google+, it ran the same bad luck. In fact, Google+ has never managed to reach the level of Facebook users as a social network, that system of circles was not as welcome as anticipated.


Last April the activity of this application ceased. In this case we can not say that it is because it is a bad idea or a bad development, simply, and as it has happened to many other technological bets, it was not born at the right time.

Spaces was an app that offered a space to small groups of conversation to share any issue that would join them. Being a very niche application his bet was too concrete and risky. Maybe later.

Clip Layer

The Microsoft Garage project was born with the idea of allowing users to select and copy any text that appears on the screen of Android devices. The application has a simple operation and an impeccable development, but it has not managed to capture the attention of the public, which has preferred to continue using alternatives such as CamScanner. And if we add that Clip Layer has suffered a lack of support from Microsoft, at the level of promotion, we find an application that has passed without pain or glory by mobile devices.

Facebook Home

In 2013 Facebook launched a application launcher or application launcher, which was intended to become a startup interface for phones with Android operating system. With it almost all the functionalities of the telephone would be covered under the aesthetics, and the intrusion, of Facebook. The idea came from the hand of a new HTC First terminal, which suffered the same little success as the Facebook application.

Facebook Shout! For Messenger

This application is used to put text on a photograph and send it through the Facebook Messenger app. Its low development and functionality has made this application one of the worst rated Zuckerberg empire.

It is difficult to be creative with the development of your application taking into account the large volume of applications that suffocate the market. However, if you ever feel discouraged, remember, it doesn't matter what app you want to create, there are likely to be dozens of worse ones already on the market. To ensure the success of your application, it helps you review some of the biggest failures in application history so you know exactly what to avoid.

