
Transform your WordPress into an App

King of App wants that creating your mobile application platform be something simple and natural. So one of the first modules that we have developed is one that allows you to transform your WordPress page into an App. Magic? No, technology.

Today, in this series of tutorials for you to learn how to use our builder, it is time to explain the integration process into WordPress and how easy it will be to transform the website that you like in the native content of an App.

wordpress plugin

The first step is to install a plugin on WordPress. To do this you must go to the following URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/json-rest-api/. Once installed, any page based on WordPress become an API for accessing the data contained in it immediately. And the best part is that this will take you not even 10 minutes. From there you can already go to our builder to configure both the “WordPress Posts” module and the “WordPress Single”.

Each module is designed to meet a specific need. While “WordPress Single” module is intended to present a single post, the “WordPress Posts” allows you to choose a number of publications of any category that contains the page. The way to configure them is quite similar.

At the builder, in the modules view, go to “add modules” to access our Market. Among many other options you’ll find the two referred to the integration of WordPress. Choose the most suitable one for you. Let’s say you choose the “WordPress Posts”. Once it appears on the builder you must drag it to include it in the main menu to be accessible to all users of the App.

To configure this, you must click on the “Edit” option. That will open a new window with four fields to fill. The first one is naming the module, as we don’t think you will really like to name it “WordPress Posts” ;). The second one is to enter the URL of the blog you want to transform into an App. For example, we would write https://kingofapp.es/ (obvious, right?). The third field, “post number”, refers to the number of posts to be shown in the app. You can show as many as you want. Finally, the fourth element is to edit the category. As you know, the blog posts are divided into categories so choose the one that best suits your needs.

wordpress Postst2

With these four filled fields… Click “accept” and there you are! Your posts will appear immediately in your App.

Wordpress Posts

Referring the “WordPress Single” module its configuration is quite similar. However, they are two different fields. The first two are identical to the above configuration, while the third and the fourth vary somewhat. The third field to fill (“type”) refers to the type of content depending if they will be “pages” or “posts”, while the ID is the identification of the publication that appears on the URL when we are editing from the control panel of WordPress. For example in the case of the content of the attached image, being a post means the “type” we have choose is “posts”. For the ID we have set the following URL: https://kingofapp.es/wp-admin/post.php?post=31811 being 31811 the code that must be entered in this fourth field. It is not complicated at all, right?

wordpress single

If 25% of the websites in the world are made on the basis of WordPress it is obvious that many of you will want to make this content  accessible worldwide via App. Until now responsive templates and creating webapps were an intermediate solution. However, for all users, there is nothing like a native experience in mobile navigation and other advantages of an App like push notifications and direct access to multiple contents. So do not hesitate to use our WordPress integration modules!



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