
(How to) Configure the Login Module

One of the key elements of an app is to allow users to register to the contents of an app. To this end, King of App have developed a login module that let you manage the users of your application. login config firebase_King of AppThe module is accessible from our services market, it is based on management Firebase’s Databases. To be functional, you need to create an account at the Firebase free service. It will be from Firebase’s control panel where you will manage all information, therefore, in our configuration panel just have to type a URL that you will be provided once create the appropriate API. Anyway, let’s go step by step. The first thing you should do is create (if not having) an account on Firebase. Once on your dashboard, you’ll see the option (bottom left) to create an App. This App will have the name you decide and will serve to identify it from the rest. Enter at the “Manage App” option. login config Firebase_King of App 2Once in the management deck of this app, in the menu on the left, go to the option “Login & Auth” and activate the “Enable Email & Password Authentication” option. It is in this panel where you will find the data (except passwords) of users on your App. Once enabled this option, just copy the url of the navigation bar and paste it in our configuration panel. This is the last step to finish configuring our service Login to be available on any of your Apps.



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