In the middle of digital era, it is more than enough known the great impact that online video possess to attract audience and to generate interest on the products and services that companies offer. That is why is not surprising the fact that most of them conceive the video as a key element for their promotion and marketing campaigns. Here is where arises the named ‘promotional video‘.
Concerning the apps, this kind of video offers the great advantage of faster and more effective visually impact than a common TV spot. Besides, it is a appreciable help to get a better SEO and ASO position, and it can be spread on the social networks and video platforms (for example, YouTube). All this give more visibility and, therefore, a greater volume of downloads. Since the app mobile market is expanding itself and there are more and more competitors, the promotional video is essential if you want your app stands out among the rest in the marketplaces, making it easily recognizable for the user.
What is the promotional video?
The ‘promotional video‘ (also named as ‘marketing video’) is a video that is used in order to promote a company and the services that sells, making it more able to stands out in a marketing strategy. The video belongs to the audiovisual format, so it can communicate an idea or product that you want to promote in a easier and more direct way. Moreover, its visual impact and its transmission effectivity make the user recognize the company, as well as it increases his time term on the website and the odds of sharing the video in other platforms. Therefore, it is a tool which can improve your position in the market with very good results.the Inkódico ABC
How to create promotional videos for your app
Next, we will give you some tips about how to create your own promotional video, focused on applications with Android or iPhone operating systems:-
Proposal and structure
Filming the video
Tips to make your promotional video stands out
Sometimes it is not enough to create a right promotional video. If you want to catch the user attention fast, to make them stay watching the video, to make them download your app and, besides, to make them share the video with other users, you must keep on mind the following points:- Brevity: it is advisable that the video does not last more than one minute. Generally, the user looks for a fast content to watch, so is more possible that he clicks on your video if he sees that is short.
- Rhythm: it must be entertaining and interesting to watch, and not to be boring or repetitive.
That is why is fundamental avoiding unnecessary content, as well as it is important showing the key aspects that become the user aware of what is watching and, at the same time, he does not feel that he is wasting his time.
- Creativity: use visual and resounding elements that give a flashy aspect and make it pleasant to watch; catchy music, colorful animations, dynamic edition, etc.
- Simplicity: it must be easy of understand and it does not fill the user up. Remember that the video is your app’ s letter introduction: it must resolve doubts, not creating them.
Therefore, you must avoid adding too much text because it will make the user run away from your video.
Although we mentioned that elements must be pleasant to watch, they must achieve a descriptive purpose and being related to what the video is saying.
For example, if you are explaining how your app works, the video should show how the app is seen in a mobile screen format and where are the key elements to be able to use them.
- Customization: the tone and the elements that appear must be consistent with your brand image, which means that, they must accomplish minimal requirements of design and branding. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to the user to recognize your app later.
- Quality: remember that the video will be one of the first elements that user will fix his eyes on and, therefore, he will get in touch with your app thought it. That is why is essential that the final video reflects a minimal quality to, besides entertaining, get the trust of the user and he keeps us into account to use your app services.