King of App

The Swiss Army Knife of Communications

Is called Talko And it is, indeed, the Swiss Army knife of communications. This app wants people to talk more and to stand up to the instant messaging apps we use so much by looking them straight in the eye.

The idea is simple, Talko wants to revalue calls. Ray Ozzie, the main promoter of this application, has the theory that compared to phone calls, other methods of communication can be save, search and forward, which makes voice communication less attractive to users even though it is the best means for fast, efficient and effective communication.

To give the calls more substance, Talko turns them into chat files to which you can add notes or photos, allowing you to send written messages or share photos immediately while you're taking them without having to hang up the current call. Conversations can also be tagged with the topic discussed and are recorded and archived by default. Because calls are retained, specific parts of the audio can be marked and selected with notes to keep track of key issues.

Multiple options that are primarily intended for a professional use since all of them are currently applied to group calls. However, its promoter believes that consumers will also use it for things like planning a trip or maintaining a continuous and open flow of communication in different media.

Their business model is freemium. That is, most of the options are paid, but it offers a free version that allows conversations to be saved for a maximum period of one week.


