Monthly license to create unlimited apps – Reseller Plan Spain
Welcome to the WordPress of apps, you are about to purchase the King of App reseller plan, which will allow you to create unlimited apps with all modules, services and templates included.
Once you have purchased the license you will receive a coupon that will allow you to add it to the builder's cart. and your cart will be zero. You can select any template, all the modules or services you want. Even if you see a price, when you apply the coupon it will be zero. The coupon will only be valid to apply it as many times as you need within your user.
With this coupon you can publish your app on both the Apple Store and Google Play, as well as download your PWA version, the source code and the compilation certificates.
We recommend that in order to create your apps and to properly understand the app builder, you watch the free courses on our YouTube channel: And if you want to explore more, visit our mobile marketing and app creation academy:
This way you can create apps however you want: create apps without code, create apps by accessing the code, transform your website into an app, transform your WordPress into an app, transform your Google Sheet into an app…
Thank you for creating your applications with King of App.