Since we are still mellow after celebrating Sant Jordi’s Day , today we present an App that only delves into the most cloying romanticism. It is ThinkOf , an application whose purpose is to let another person notice that we are thinking about him or her. Nice, right? It is evident that the touches through a missed call, SMS and more recently WhatsApp have been an indispensable tool that many of us have used to tell another person that we are thinking of them. But, of course, all this is already very visible and we need new ways of doing it. originality comes from the hand of this App. “ Sometimes we don’t have anything special to say, or we don’t have the time to embark on a conversation, or we just haven’t talked so long that it would be weird to say ‘ hello ‘. Sometimes people just come to mind, we take a few minutes to remember, fantasize, or laugh to ourselves. Sometimes you don’t want to start a conversation, but it would be so cool if that person could know that you were thinking of them ”justifies the company on its website. And reason is not lacking. ThinkOf allows us to send a notification to a contact just by clicking on their name. Likewise, you have the option to see the thoughts that we have launched grouped and by dates. A fun and original way to stay in touch with friends, family and, of course, with your partner.



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