
King of App

There are many developers and designers who are commissioned to create an App. They put all five senses into it and try to achieve an optimal result. However, whoever commissions it has in mind, beyond issues such as functionality or how attractive it may be, the performance that can be taken out. It is no longer so much a question, sometimes, of making a connection tool available to the general public, but also of make it profitable to the maximum.

There are several options to monetize an App and Each formula must be adapted to both the type of application and the public to which it is directed.In general, we can talk about three ways to make money with an App.

The most common of them is to set a price for the download. Each of the markets has its own pricing rules. However, one thing that all App users have in common is that, if it is not something very essential and specific, they always opt for the price. free version of the applications.

It is clear that to make a living with this formula, the trick is to get as many downloads as possible. To do this, there are three things to consider, and they are not easy to achieve. One is to establish yourself as a reference app, a standout, in the markets. To do this, both Apple and Google need to pay attention to it, and that is not always achieved at first.

To achieve this, it is important to have a certain volume of downloads; that is, to have the acceptance of the general public. So, first you will have to bet on a marketing campaign. This requires investment and not everyone is willing to allocate part of their budget to promote their application in online and offline media. So you have to focus on virality.

Cases like that of FlappyBird They are the perfect example of virality of an App. Being an impossible game quickly made it a reference. Word of mouth led to millions of downloads and immediate promotion. Of course, reaching these levels is complicated but you have to bet on it.

The three options, of course, feed off each other. Focusing on just one option will not work, so you should always consider launching an App in a cross-cutting manner to achieve results in each of the fields.

While the volume of downloads is not really high, other options to make the investment in an App profitable include the model freemium. It combines the free download of the application with a series of complementary in-app services that have a cost for the user. Obviously, these services They are always optional acquisition and therefore do not guarantee recurring income from the application.

That's where the third option comes in, the In-App AdvertisingBy selling small spaces in an application, recurring income can be obtained. These spaces can be small banners placed in some part of the screen, the insertion of videos at specific times depending on the user's navigation or intermediate screens (such as web interstitials) in which an advertiser can advertise their products. It is clear that their greatest contraindication is that the user does not want advertising in their App and ends up eliminating it. Therefore, it is always necessary to be extremely careful in the insertions so that they do not end up trampling on the content of the application itself.

Ads, freemium or pay per download; three valid options to analyze in depth so that they also fit the type of audience to which an App is directed.

