• King of App is an open source CMS for creating mobile applications • 123RF is the fourth image bank in the world
King of App and 123RF signed a collaboration agreement last March where both will be able to jointly develop co-branding actions to continue growing and maintaining its reputation in international markets. The objectives sought with this synergy are international visibility or positioning in the minds of users, among other things. The company emerged in Malaysia , has more than 70 million media content, where we can find images, videos, vectors or illustrations . With its creation in 2005, the continuous growth of 123RF has placed them as the 4th image bank in the world, ranking first in the Asian continent. The material available to 123RF is updated every day with almost 60,000 daily documents , thanks to a huge network of collaborators, these being more than 100,000 photographers, videographers, illustrators or musical artists . All this makes it possible for them to have 18 million unique visits , managing to increase by 35% compared to last year. Through its international expansion, 123RF It is global, with offices on all continents. In addition, it offers other document download services more specialized in some aspects, such as Inmagine, Stock Unlimited, Designs or Wuxiantu . For its part, King of App is the WordPress of applications, whose motto is “Turn your dreams into apps” . It is the first CMS (Content Management System) open source on the market, and has the support of the European Union , through the Horizon 2020 , with a public and private investment of 2 million euros. King of App offers its users of hundreds of integrated services , such as analytics , push notifications, logging services or advertising > among other things so that the creation of an app is as precise as possible. The agreement began to be forged in Lisbon, Portugal during the Web Summit . “After meeting there, little by little we approached positions until we reached an agreement of mutual benefit”, says Sabrina Boado, CMO of King of App . One of the results of this synergy is the integration of 123RF products and services with the technology offered by King of App. That is, the King of App Builder App will draw on the material of this great Image bank between now and September of this year. What does that mean? Well, those people who create a mobile application with King of App , will have everything they need within the same Builder . Templates, modules or services are now joined by being able to have access to an immensity of material, in order to facilitate the creation of any mobile app for users.
“The agreement, which will be beneficial for both, has many points of collaboration, such as articles, interviews or videos about the two companies” , says Xavi Barata, CEO of King of App , although it is not the only thing, since they are “creating workshops, online conferences, meet ups and many more events in which we will have the official sponsorship of 123RF and which will allow us to establish our brand image before the technology community”. Both parties believe that the agreement will increase the marketing and communication potential. If you want to know more about 123RF , do not hesitate to visit its pages at:
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