Applications have become a fundamental part of our lives and no one would know how to work the same without many of them, just as we would not do without smartphones, their natural support. For that reason, the iOS App Store is a gigantic web business with about 1.42 million applications available. A recently published study has reached the frightening conclusion that 90% of App Store apps are zombies, that is, apps that nobody sees, that are dead to the general public and that are useless because there is no way to find them easily. Interestingly, this figure is higher than last year, which remained at 74% of the total.
What are zombie apps?
A zombie app is one that is only found if you enter your name as it is in the search engine but it does not appear within the listings of the App Store, which has a limit of 300 apps per genre including food, sports, health and all those things. That is to say, yes, the app is there and can be found, but only if you search for it in particular because it is impossible in a natural way.
Some of the genres of apps are more prone to zombie apps,such as those in the business category, which today is dominated by a few apps of global success and some rookies of fleeting success, but where sooner or later almost everything the world ends in the grave. The Sports and Navigation sections, however, are more alien to this phenomenon.
Zombie apps occur because there are too many applications and stores are not designed to accommodate all. When a section passes 250,000 applications, the percentage of zombies rises exponentially and that's why games are full of titles that no one will ever play.
How App Search Optimization could help in this situation
This study points out that a better ASO algorithm is needed to bring up hidden applications. The report says that because of this amount of invisible applications the App Store is dead, and almost says it including the Google Play Store. What is transparent in the eyes of all is that, with Facebook receiving 63% of its traffic from mobile devices, it is necessary to be there, visible and receiving advertising, to be a technological company with a future. Faced with a reality in which countless applications are created, competition is very high and getting visibility is not an easy task. Now it is no longer good to launch an application and wait for people to download it. No. The ASO has also reached the world of mobile devices and achieving a good positioning is essential to succeed. Therefore, if you want to launch an app to the market, you must carry out a series of ASO techniques, in order to position your apps in the first positions of the App Store or Google Play. A great challenge, yes, but a necessary procedure.
What impact have zombie apps on app stores?
If we take a look at the app stores we see that they are saturated with a huge list of applications that go unnoticed, that nobody discovers and nobody uses. Zombie apps live like undead; They have never seen the light of day and those who have achieved it before miraculous discharge, after almost never used. These zombie apps have a huge impact on the economies of apps. There are many developers excited about their projects but the truth is that they have to face a difficult conversion path, which goes from the period of creation of the app to the desired monetization. But many die on the road and stay there permanently in the markets of applications, making it difficult for new applications to stand out. Given this scenario, we must try to distinguish the apps that have potential, that are actively used and are profitable from those with whom they live in that lost land of zombies. It should be noted that a zombie application does not exist without a zombie user, obviously, and that you have previously downloaded that app and then forgot about it. Therefore, in this sense, developers have an opportunity to awaken these zombie users and turn them into active, profitable, living users. Marketing professionals can resort to advertising to promote their apps and if it is mobile advertising, better than better, because it will be much easier to segment, get to meet the related target (more inclined to the mobile world) and, thus, get a user quality. But do not forget that it is not so much a matter of getting to the top of the rankings, to get facilities or to get a number as an objective to achieve according to the marketing strategy but that people use your app. Getting a user to start using an app after installing it is a big challenge.
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