King of App

Transferring the app from another platform to King of App

Many times we find ourselves wanting to migrate applications that are already in the market and have been created from another platform to the King of App ecosystem.

First we need to create the app from scratch, within the KOA builder, since the other closed platforms are not compatible with our ecosystem. And then we can publish them again on both Google and Apple, keeping followers and analytics.

The following requirements must be met:

General requirements (both for Android and iOS):

– Have an account on our platform
– Have an app created in our builder.

– Fill in the data requested by the platform (descriptions, images, etc.)

– Replace the generated identifier with your app’s identifier.

– Upload the app version to a higher version than the one currently available on the market.

– Having completed the payment process for this service (50€/year)


It is necessary to complete the form that appears in:

builder.kingofapp -> Publishing -> Android:

You will also need to provide your app's signature file with all its metadata:
– Key store password

– Key alias

– Key password

*If you do not have this information, it will be impossible to update your application.

It is necessary to fill out the form that appears at:

builder.kingofapp -> Publishing -> iOS:

Your Apple Developer account only supports up to 3 distribution certificates. Our system needs to create one of them to work properly.

If you have 3 certificates in your account and you are unable to reject any of them, you will need to contact us to perform a manual import of one of your certificates.

You will need to have a file in .p12 format resulting from exporting the certificate and the private key of your certificate from keychain (mac keychain).
To obtain this file you must request it from the developer who published your app and has access to the computer (mac) from which it was created.

If you have any questions, please feel free to open a ticket and we will help you.


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