
King of App

6 consejos para que su tienda en línea sea exitosa

You have probably heard many stories of successful online businesses that started as side projects and then took off. If you are thinking of starting your own e-commerce venture, you might feel slightly intimidated by the prospect of launching an online store. However, with the right strategy, planning, and execution, starting an e-commerce business from home can be very rewarding. Here are 5 tips to make your online store successful. If you’re serious about launching an e-commerce business from home—and making it a success—you’ll need to do some research and planning first. Launching an e-commerce store isn’t for everyone; if you can’t handle the stress or don’t have time to spend on something new in your life, it may not be for you. However if this is something that excites you and seems like a worthwhile venture, read on for our expert advice on how to make your online store a success.

Sale a niche product

One of the most important factors in the success of your e-commerce store is what niche you choose to focus on. You should choose a niche that has a steady demand, but where there isn’t a lot of competition. A good example of a niche that meets these criteria is the “health supplement” niche. There are millions of people around the world who are health-conscious and want to take supplements to improve their health and well-being. However, there aren’t a lot of people who are focusing on this niche, which means you could have a chance to really stand out if you’re the one who “dominates” this niche. You’ll also want to make sure that you’re able to produce and ship your products quickly, so they arrive at the customer’s door in a timely manner.

Build a responsive site with Woocommerce

If you’re going to have an e-commerce store, you should build your website using a platform like WordPress or Woocommerce. These platforms are highly customizable and suited for online shopping businesses, and are also used by thousands of other online stores. If you’re building an e-commerce store from scratch, you’ve got your work cut out for you. Not only do you need to design, build, and host a website from scratch, but you also need to make sure that your site is optimized for search engines: Google and other search engines use various algorithms to determine how high your site should show up on their search results. Building an online store with something like Woocommerce means that you don’t have to worry about building a site from scratch. You also get access to a wealth of both free and paid-for design themes that you can use to customize your store to look exactly the way you want it.

Create a one page checkout

A one page checkout is the best approach – and most retailers are taking advantage of this method. This means that you have a single page where customers can add everything they want to buy. They can then go through a simple and quick checkout process with all their information already filled in. This reduces confusion and keeps customers on the site longer, meaning you can make more sales. You can find a ready to use plugin for this functionality in woocommerce. You also want to make sure that your checkout process is secure. Many online shoppers will be wary of purchasing from your site if they don’t feel safe doing so. To make customers feel more confident about purchasing from you, you can add security seals to your site, make it SSL-compliant, or use a service like Shopify that includes fraud prevention technology.

Invest in create traffic: SEO and SEM

The best way to get customers to your site is to make it visible and accessible: the easier it is for people to find your site, the more likely they are to buy from you. You can get potential customers to your site in a few different ways: – Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Make sure that your site is optimized for search engines so that when people are searching for products or information related to your niche, your site appears at the top of the search results. – Paid search: Pay-per-click ads can help you drive traffic to your site quickly. – Social media: Create engaging content on social media related to your niche, and make sure that your store name and URL are visible in your profile information. – Email marketing: Create an email list of people who have shown interest in your niche, and send them targeted offers and information. – Guest blogging: Write articles related to your niche, and publish them on high-ranking websites.

Create easy sales funnel

A sales funnel is a way of guiding customers through the purchase decision and getting them to make a purchase on your site. You can create an easy sales funnel by creating different types of content that target customers at different stages of the buying process. At the top of the funnel, you want to be creating general content that is attractive to a broad range of customers. This content should be something like an article that is written to appeal to all potential customers in your niche. At the bottom of the funnel, you want to be creating content that appeals directly to customers who are ready to purchase a product. This could be an article about how to choose the right product for a specific need, or a guide to choosing the best products in a particular category.

Create you mobile app and create engagement

Having a mobile app for your e-commerce store makes it easier for customers to shop and find what they are looking for. You can also use your mobile app to create an engaging experience that makes customers want to come back and use your app again and again. With the right combination of push notifications, loyalty programs, and special deals, you can make your app a desirable place to spend time. You can also use your mobile app to collect data and make it easier for customers to sign up, log in, and make purchases with your store. Collecting this data can help you improve customer service and make it easier to send targeted offers and information that each customer may find useful.


Launching an e-commerce store can be a rewarding and exciting endeavor. Before you start, make sure that you do your research and choose a niche that has a steady demand, but where there isn’t a lot of competition. Next, you’ll want to build a responsive site with Woocommerce, and make sure that it is optimized for search engines, and customer-friendly. Finally, you can use these tips to make your e-commerce store a success.



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